Select the best drivers

Reduce risks in your operation and protect your assets

We know that to be competitive, you need to be fast

We were thinking about you when we developed the Guep Score Solution

Have more satisfied and loyal customers with greater agility and reduction of insurance claims

Some Advantages

Encryption and security for your data and operation

GUEP adopts the most advanced cryptography resources to provide a high degree of security for your data and operation, 
with total compliance in relation to the LGPD, with everything to provide reliability in your daily life

Response time

Research response time takes
from 1 to 25 minutes

Sources of Information

Consult in real time to more than
450 sources simultaneously 

Cloud based solution

Cloud-based, brings ease and agility in the implementation in your company

Webservice Integration

Easy, simple and quick integration to
any ERP/TMS or system


All sources surveyed are public and meet
the insurance companies’ requirements


Full compliance with LGPD requirements

Solution homologated and accepted by 100% of transport insurers

Does your company conduct a driver background check elsewhere?

Talk to our team